How to submit images to a PRINT competition

(NOTE: If you're submitting to a DIGITAL competition, see How to submit digital images.)

To submit to a PRINT competition:

  1. Log in at 

    Trouble logging in?     
  2. At the top, select Competitions -> Submit Images to a Competition.

    If this is your first time doing this, consider clicking "Show Me How to Submit Images to a Competition" for a video tutorial.
  3. Click Select next to a competition type that you want to enter.

    Note: Each type is a separate competition.  You'll have to come back to this page to submit images for a different competition type.
  4. Carefully read the Competition Definition.
    Also read General Rules for Contest entries.
    Note: For Pictorial (General), your competition level--A(Advanced) or B(Basic)--is preset. If you feel it is not correct, let us know ASAP.
  5. At the bottom of the page, select Catalog a Print into the Competition to display the Add An Image page. 
      On that page:
    1. Cick Select only if you want to upload your image now (optional).
    2. Type the image's Title (required).
    3. Optionally, type your Author's image ID (whatever you want to use).
    4. Click Save.
  6. Enter more images?
    • For another of the same category you just entered, repeat step 5.
    • For one of a different category type, click Return to Competition List and go back to step 3.

    TIP: If you enter an image in the wrong category, delete it from that category, then add it to the correct category.
  7. Label the back of your print. You can create labels by clicking Print Labels for Print Submissions. (at the bottom of the page). Print on standard label stock or on plain paper.
    (If you want to write your own label:
    • Write legibly so that the title can be easily read during a dimly-lighted judging session.
    • Use ball point pen or magic marker.
    • Write the image title, category, and your name, in very large, clear lettering
    • Do not enter your name anywhere on the front of the mount or window mat.
    • Draw an arrow on the back of the mount pointing upward to indicate the correct orientation of your print.)

  8. Prepare your images for display:
    • Prints must be securely mounted on a rigid background.
    • Highly recommended: Cover with an overlying window mat to protect your print. 
    • No framed prints (because of the danger of broken glass.)
    • Please do not use single-sided Scotch tape because it can stick to other prints.
    • There is no maximum size, but very large prints might not be well-lighted in our judging room. Very small prints might be hard to view in our room (probably 8x10" is the smallest practical size).

  9. Take your images to the meeting; give yourself enough time before the meeting to do this: At the meeting, look on the table for the list of entries for each category.  Find and initial your entry(s) to show that you brought them, then add them face down to the pile for that category.
  10. If any of your images are selected as winners, you must upload the digital version of the images (if you haven't already):
    • Go to Competitions -> Submit Images to a Competition.
    • Click Edit Values for an Existing Image, then click Select to upload your image.
    • Do so by the day after the contest for posting to the website and the newsletter. You will also be asked (separately) for a brief writeup for the newsletter.

Try it - If you have questions, let us know.

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